me, myself & Jesus

Who am I?
me, myself & Jesus
Hey! I go by the name Elizabeth Joy Lovett, some people call me Lizzie. I'm 22 years old and the second oldest in my family of six (but my mum gave birth to seven), two girls and four boys.
I grew up in Sydney, Australia and spent two years living in the States in Kentucky before I hit my teenage years and flew back to Australia where I am now. I remember everything turning sour from that point on wards (12 years old).
When I was a little girl all I wanted to do was sing, tell people about Jesus and imagine how I would live my adult life (I thought about this all the time as a little girl!). I loved to talk, sing, and write. I'm a mix of introvert and extrovert and I'm still figuring out how to manage that. As much as I love to express myself creatively, I also need facts because my brain won't stop thinking until I logically solve a problem.
As a girl I wanted to be a nurse, paramedic, school teacher; you name it I probably wanted to do it "when I grew up." But what I wanted to most was to be a mum and a wife. I can't explain to you enough how much I've desired to have my own family one day.
But it's 2018. And I'm finally starting my career - a legit career (nursing)! I'm paying taxes, I'm paying bills, booking my own doctors appointments, all the adult things I always wanted to do as a little girl (I was a strange child)! And I guess that's why I've decided to start this blog. Because it's suddenly hit me that my whole childhood dream, to become older and start "achieving" things is now my reality. Or is it?
I always wanted to be the age I am now. So why aren't I always happy? Why am I still struggling? Why are things still hard? How come things haven't turned out the way little me thought they would?
I'll explore my life. The lessons I've learned (A LOT) and the lessons I'll continue to learn. Although I'm still very young, I've had my share of pain (haven't we all?). And I hope it can encourage you. But mostly, I pray it gives you hope.